Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Forum Up And Running

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Review of Forecast

So its been nearly seven years since my previous blog post (hey, I was on vacation), and all I have to say is... TOLD YA! The real estate market got totally PWNED. We're in the midst of a global debt bubble now, many governments have toppled, and there is uncertainty in countries who were victimized by this crash (by those who created it). Conspiracy?

I had completely forgotten I ever set up this blog, but it was spot on. I re-discovered it by going through a list of outdated passwords I was editing today. I wish I could have made billions off the crash too, but it was a learning experience I suppose. Fortunately, I have a whole new philosophy on the markets which was shaped by this experience. I have started a new website in which I will outline it. I've included a forum for those interested in debating the markets as well.